By Aarnav Tale
Archive Notice
This tweak is no longer maintained. I've lost my interest in making tweaks and I've moved on to other things.
There is no support offered for this tweak and I will most likely not respond if you contact me asking for help.
It's been a long journey in this community and I'm glad to have been a part of it.
Has your device ever frozen or you needed to hop into safemode real quick? Well not to worry, Panic! is the solution for you. Whether you need to access safemode or just respring your device, Panic! has you covered.
- Easily go into Safemode or Respring your device through a combination of physical buttons on your device.
- Easily customize the sequences and disable the ones you don't want.
You can view the source code here: GitHub
This package supports iOS 11.x - 15.x